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Full Mouth Restoration Treatment Package with Basal Implants

Fast, Predictable & Painless Protocol - The Revolutionary Basal Implants System Provides Immediate Results!

Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit!

I. First Stage (duration: 4-5 working days, time frame)

1. Recommended Slot Time Frame - 5 working days (6 nights)
Sun Mon Tue wed Thu Fri Sat
2. Intensive Slot Time Frame 4 working days (5 nights) *
Mon Tue wed Thu Fri Sat

* If your personal agenda is tight, we can offer you a short, but more intensive treatment time frame. Keep in mind that always is better to have more time for dental lab adjustments.

1.Fixed Bridge Over Implants (Immediate Loading)

1. Extractions
All extractions (if needed) are being done under Conscious IV sedation (administered by qualified anesthetists).

2. Basal Implants
All implants are carried out simultaneously in the same session. Teeth with good long term prognosis usually are being preserved, treated (if needed) and included under the construction. We use titanium dental implants made in Switzerland.

3. Fixed Temporary Bridges
During the next days several follow ups take place. Usually on the 3rd day, your new teeth are cemented over the implants and you can go home with new smile.

The average duration of the surgery is about 3 hours.

Bridges that you get as a first set at that stage are long term provisional ones made by high-quality biocompatible polymer (made in Germany). With them you can get familiar easier to the new feeling. They are specially designed for you using latest CAD/CAM computer based technology.

See how it looks:  BEFORE & AFTER PHOTOS

(First stage price for upper & lower jaws implants & temporary prosthetic)

Select currency:

During your first visit, you need to pay only the amount quoted above, nothing more! 3

Restorations Calendar - Basal Implants with Immediate Loading Protocol - Single jaw/Full mouth - First Stage Treatment Slots 2024

Available Available Available
Available Available
  • Already booked slots are not visible in the calendar.
  • Your travel dates need to be outside the treatment slot period!
  • We would advise you to always ask for explicit written confirmation before you book your flights!
Last update: 14:36 BST 21 Oct 2024

II. Second Stage (after: 6-18 months, duration: 10 working days, time frame)

After the first stage of the treatment, when the implants are already placed, there is a 6-18 months' healing period. A natural process of remodelling of the gum under the bridges starts. This can lead to the appearance of some gaps - between the gum and bridges.

4. Fixed Permanent Bridges
During the second visit the gaps will be corrected with a new set of permanent hybrid bridges 4. By that time, the gum will have already adjusted to the implants and taken a stable form. The new bridges are created to perfectly match this new gum line, thus covering the gaps. This assures that you get the best aesthetic results and the treatment is complete5.

    (full package description)
  • 1. First Stage
  • - 1 x Panoramic X-ray (OPG)
  • - Conscious IV sedation during surgery
  • - Extractions (if needed)
  • - Basal implants (made in Switzerland) for upper and lower jaws
  • - 2 x high quality non metal long term provisional bridges (not dentures!) designed with CAD/CAM computer based technology
  • - Flapless surgery method of implantation (less invasive than conventional) 1
  • - 5 years warranty for the implants, bridges & crowns 2
  • - Free airport transfers
  • - Accommodation booking assistance
  • 2. Second Visit
  • - 1 x Panoramic X-ray (OPG)
  • - 2 x high quality permanent hybrid bridges designed with CAD/CAM computer based technology
  • - Free airport transfers
  • - Accommodation booking assistance

(Second stage price for upper & lower jaws permanent prosthetic)

Select currency:

During your second visit, you need to pay only the amount above, nothing more! 3

Restorations Calendar - Basal Implants with Immediate Loading Protocol - Single jaw/Full mouth - First Stage Treatment Slots 2024

Available Available Available
Available Available
  • Already booked slots are not visible in the calendar.
  • Your travel dates need to be outside the treatment slot period!
  • We would advise you to always ask for explicit written confirmation before you book your flights!
Last update: 14:36 BST 21 Oct 2024


1 Flapless surgery method will be applied where possible. In some cases, it's not applicable.
2 The guarantee covers bridges and implants material defects. It's valid in our clinic in Sofia. Unfortunately, it is not possible to offer a guarantee for the medical service and success of the treatment, since dentistry practice and surgery are not an exact science and healing is rather an individual process dependent on the patient’s ability to recover. Nevertheless, we can usually offer help, either free of charge or at a significantly reduced price, if single implants or prosthetic parts need be replaced due to unexpected events.
3 This price does not include any bank transaction fees. Payment by card is subject to 2% surcharge. All card transactions are being done in Bulgarian Leva.
4 Permanent hybrid bridges are made from a high-quality biocompatible permanent (definitive) polymer (made in Germany) reinforced with a metal framework. They have excellent aesthetics, quality, lightness and strength, which exceeds that of the classic circular bridges made of metal-ceramic or zirconium oxide. We use materials from the most renowned German manufacturers. The choice of composite material for your permanent bridges is based on the many years of experience of our implantologists in the field of full restorations on dental implants.
5 Nobody can't guarantee against further gum shrinkage. This happens during the whole human life (faster or slower) and can't be predicted.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that all given treatment time frames are indicative. Since most of the time we are able to complete your treatment in a quoted time frame, sometimes this is not possible due to unforeseen delays in the treatment or the dental lab work. Please understand, that Smile Dental Services - Bulgaria is not responsible for any additional expenses for travel, accommodation, etc., that may arise for such delays. The extent of the necessary measures in terms of surgery and treatment cannot be predicted, as this can only be determined when treatment starts. Treatment plan can be confirmed only after thorough clinical examination in Smile Dental Services clinic in Sofia. We reserve the right to make alterations for medical reasons and practicability.

Full mouth restoration with basal implants - "official" procedure video

Before, during and after full mouth restoration with immediate basal implants - real patient experience


Restorations Calendar - Basal Implants with Immediate Loading Protocol - Single jaw/Full mouth - First Stage Treatment Slots 2024

Available Available Available
Available Available
  • Already booked slots are not visible in the calendar.
  • Your travel dates need to be outside the treatment slot period!
  • We would advise you to always ask for explicit written confirmation before you book your flights!
Last update: 14:36 BST 21 Oct 2024

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Advantages of Basal Implant System

BOI & BCS implants are the most advanced system within the group of basal implants. In combination with other single-piece implants, they enable dental reconstruction for almost any patient. They are even suitable for people who have previously failed at implantation procedures due to insufficient jaw bones and bone recession.

What is basal implantation? Bones are composed of an internal spongy (cancellous) portion which is covered with a dense bone layer (corticalis). Each basal implant is placed in at least two points trough the corticalis (the so called bi-cortical support). The corticalis used for anchoring of the basal implants is a highly mineralized bone with a strong potential for regeneration. This ensures the highest level of integration of the implants and allows their immediate loading. Basal implants differ from crest (conventional) implants in the manner of placing, the manner of force distribution, but primarily by the planning and execution of the prosthetic construction and post-operative regime.

Single-Piece (Monoblock) Basal Implants

The revolutionary shape and design of basal implants help in treating a wide variety of cases which the conventional two-three-piece crestal implants cannot provide. Many of the basal implants have a smooth surface which does not allow bacterial colonization on surfaces which often leads to peri-implantitis and implant loss. Peri-implantitis is the most common cause for conventional implants failure. This happens mostly because of the rough implant surface, as well as the interface problems between the multiple parts of the implant (implant-abutment link). The use of monoblock smooth-surface basal implants minimizes the threat of peri-implantitis by almost 98%.

Implant Surface
98% less chance of peri-implantitis and implant loss

Conventional Implants
Rough Surface

The rough surface of conventional (crestal) implants has a high likelihood of harboring bacteria which means a higher risk of peri-implantitis.

Basal Implants
Smooth Surface

The smooth surface of basal implants does not allow bacterial colonization and eliminates the risk of peri-implantitis almost completely.

The Basal Implant System surgery has been used in dentistry for over 25 years. Because of the very little pain involved in flapless procedures, most patients accept dental implants more easily.

The flapless approach is applied where possible. In some cases, it's not applicable or not recommended.

Immediate Loading Protocol
Go home with teeth immediately after the treatment!

Basal implants are primarily designed for immediate loading. 72 hours straight after the implants have been inserted, our patients get their bridges loaded over the implants. There is no need to wait through a long recovery. With the help of our dental technicians, your new full set of teeth will be fixed in place within 3-5 business days.

Avoid Bone Graft & Sinus Lift
Save time, discomfort and money, get immediate results!

There is no need any more to go through long and painful procedures for bone augmentation - sinus lift and bone graft. Basal implants utilize not only the bone height but also the the bone width. That's why it is possible to treat cases where traditional systems recommend preliminary bone augmentation. Even diabetic patients, smokers and patients with severe gum disease CAN be treated with equal success.

CASE: Patient with severe bone loss (upper and lower) who was wearing full removable dentures for almost 25 years, succesfully treated in Smile Dental Services, without any preliminary procedure as bone graft or sinus lift. 5 immediate loading implants on the upper and 6 immediate loading implants on the lower jaw. The second X-ray was taken 1 year 3 months after the implantation session.

Patients with Diabetes
Less susceptibility to infections

Conventional dental implants are usually contra-indicated for use with diabetic patients. The main reason is that diabetes is associated with co-morbidities, including high susceptibility to infections, impaired wound healing, gingivitis, periodontitis and other related gum diseases and disorders. However, basal implants give very good results in controlled diabetic patients, simply because their smooth surface reduces the probability of sustained development of bacterial infection on their surface. What is more, the load-bearing area (basal cortical bone) is far-off from the areas of crestal alveolar bone where bacteria attempt to invade (in the case of conventional or crestal implants, also called bone, where they are anchored).

Smoking Patients
Implants load-bearing area is far-off from the area generally affected by smoking

Smoking is a well-known negative factor in implant restorations because it stops the blood flow to the oral tissue. This slows the healing process and leads to a higher risk of gingivitis and gingival recession which in turn leads to peri-implantitis. With smokers, the osseo-integration may be compromised, leading to the failure of the entire restoration. In the case of basal implants and immediate loading, the load-bearing areas are far-off from the ones affected by smoking. The early-stage loaded bridges also protect the gums from direct exposure to the smoke.

However, please keep in mind that smoking has a very cancerogenic effect on the surgical area. We strongly discourage smoking during the healing phase, at least for the first 3 days after surgery.

Patients with Severe Gum Disease (Periodontitis)

In patients with severe gum disease, conventional dental implants are contra indicated. This is mainly due to the higher risk of gingival infections causing implants failure. Usually such patients have multiple loose and mobile teeth which are painful. The inflamed gums bleed easily. However, smooth surface basal implants work entirely because they have less probability of developing bacterial infection and the load-bearing area is far-off from the gums.

These seemingly "hopeless" patients are very good candidates for full-mouth restorations with basal implants. Usually, during the procedure, all remaining teeth (the main source of infection) are extracted and replaced with implants. Within 3 days, even this type of patients get their new teeth loaded over the implants and can smile and eat normally.

How your teeth and gums have a wide-ranging impact on your general health?

Watch a testimonial of a patient of ours with severe gum disease.

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DISCLAIMER: Use this comparison table as a basic comparison framework of the main principles of the different restoration systems. Every person and case are individual. Every medical service provider is free to use a certain approach/protocol and modify it according his experience and the needs of a certain patient. Please accept this information as a general guideline, not as something fixed. We highly recommend you to always consult your medical service provider regarding any questions that you may have about your condition, health and procedures!

Pros & Cons of Different Restoration Concepts
Comparison Table

(For best preview tilt your display horizontally)  
Restoration Approach
Bone Placement Area Cortical bone Crestal bone Crestal bone
Anchoring Method Osseo-fixation Osseo-integration Osseo-integration
Loading Protocol Immediate Immediate Delayed
Implants & Surgery
Number of implants per jaw HIGH
up to 12
Only 4
6 or 8
Counstruction Stability HIGHER
more implants, more stable fondation
less implants, tendency for overloading easily of the back angulated implants wich have to carry all chewing forces
more implants, more stable fondation
Preliminary Surgeries NO
basal implants need less bone volume for stable anchoring, they use cortical bone for primary support
all implants are being placed in the front region where traditionaly the bone is enough, two of them are angulated for back support
patient requires bone graft and sinus lift in the back areas due to insuficent crestal bone, it can take about an year before the real treatment takes place
Maintenance & Aesthetics
Wearing Removable Temporary Prosthetic NO NO YES
Temporary Prosthetic Cleaning & Maintenance Food may get trapped under the bridge sometimes, need brushing and rinsing after each meal Food may get trapped under the bridge sometimes, need brushing and rinsing after each meal The removable denture may cause discomfort & chewing difficulties. Easier for cleaning on the water by hand
Healing Time Before First Fixed Prosthetic Up to 5 days
till first fixed temporary bridge is placed
Up to 5 days
till first fixed temporary bridge is placed
3-6 months
healing period, during that time removable denture are being worn
Treatment Suitability
lesser risk of infections because of the smooth implant surface, it reduces the probability of sustained development of bacterial infection in controlled diabetic patients.
Usually contra-indicated, diabetes is associated with high susceptibility to infections, impaired wound healing, increase the risk of peri-implantitis and osseo-integration problems
usually contra-indicated, diabetes is associated with high susceptibility to infections, impaired wound healing, increase the risk of peri-implantitis and osseo-integration problems
basal implants use load-bearing areas which are far-off from the ones affected by smoking and its direct consequence - insufficient blod flow
smoking stops the blood flow to the oral tissue, this slows the healing process, increase the risk of peri-implantitis and osseo-integration problems
smoking stops the blood flow to the oral tissue, this slows the healing process, increase the risk of peri-implantitis and osseo-integration problems
Severe Bone Loss Basal implants needs less bone volume since their bicortical anchoring mechanism gain primary support from the most solid and well mineralized bone areas which are always presented at least 10mm of cresatal bone is required for anchoring at least 10mm of cresatal bone is required for anchoring
Gum Disease Basal implants use load-bearing areas for osseo-fixation in the cortical bone. This area is less prone to infection. Usually requires full extraction 4-12 months prior the implantation to clear the crestal bone from an infection and to create circumstances for further implantation and osseo-integration. This slow downs and complicates the treatment whole process Usually requires full extraction 4-12 months prior the implantation to clear the crestal bone from an infection and to create circumstances for further implantation and osseo-integration. This slow downs and complicates the treatment whole process
Cost Less procedures = Less cost Less implants = Less cost More procedures = More cost

5 main points of the Basal implantation technique

  1. All patients who request dental implants can be treated without exception, regardless of the extent of bone loss or the presence or absence of residual teeth.

  2. Single surgical visit is required. Basal implants are loaded and splinted immediately or early on using long-term provisional bridges.

  3. The low number of surgical and other treatment steps reduces the overall cost.

  4. Basal implants hardly interfere with the blood supply to the host bone, at any rate, much less than comparable conventional implants.

  5. Patients can quickly resume their normal lives due to the basal implants immediate loading.

If you have any questions about the procedure or would like to discuss your own situation, please contact us and we will gladly deal with your enquiry.

Contact us for more information!

DISCLAIMER: Despite the fact that fundamental medical principles are the same, every person and case are individual and there are always exceptions. That's why we kindly ask you to accept this information as a framework and general guidelines for your possible treatment, not as something fixed. We highly recommend you to always consult our medical staff regarding any questions you may have about your condition and health!

I. Before the treatment

We don’t need a Panoramic X-ray in advance. The basal implant system is very flexible. In 99% of the cases of single jaw or full mouth restoration the reconstruction can be performed immediately without any preliminary procedures like bone graft and sinus lift.

Nevertheless, if you wear full dentures for more than 10 years it's better to send us a Panoramic X-ray prior your visit. Keep in mind that we don't need expensive 3D scans - Panoramic X-ray is enough!

The final decision to go for a full jaw/mouth restoration or just placing several implants is taken after thorough clinical examination and scan assessment. Nevertheless, keep in mind that the overall approach of full jaw/mouth restoration have many advantages over the "filling the gaps" one. There are several reasons for that:

  • The surgeon has more options to position the implants and choose the best areas of the bone. This assures optimal implant anchorage. This is not valid in “filling the gaps” approach. In this case the surgeon is limited to operate only in the area of the missing tooth where the bone quality is not always good.

  • Immediate loading protocol can be applied successfully only when big sector is being restored. This way, even at the first stage of the treatment, you get all the aesthetic and functional benefits of this protocol. Sector restorations of small segments do not allow immediate loading to be performed.

  • Several implants connected with a bridge work as a system. Thus, the durability of every single implant is improved. The bridge acts as a splint which strengthens also the implants. Single implants are much more vulnerable and liable to strong chewing forces in the mouth and can more easily fail.

It is important to point out that a full jaw/mouth restoration doesn’t mean extraction of all teeth. Those that are with good long term prognosis will be preserved, treated and will become an integral part of the construction.

The prices of full mouth/single jaw restoration packages are fixed and do not depend on the number of implants. We offer an overall solution not a number of implants.

The treatment packages contain enough implants - up to 20 for full mouth and up to 10 for single jaw restorations. The number of implants that you will get highly depends on the condition of your bone. Many times the decision is taken even intraoperatively, during the procedure. Anyway, just to satisfy your curiosity, the most probable number of implants that you will get is about 6-8 per jaw.

No, the number of implants is not equal to the number of crowns. First, you should know that there is a difference between an implant and a crown. Implants are the base. They are artificial substitutes of the roots of your own teeth which are being anchored into the bone. The crowns are the visible part over the implants.

In restorations of full jaw/mouth with implants the recommended approach is circular (superstructure) bridge to be used instead of single crowns. There are many reasons for that. The main point is, that it is not always possible to put an implant at the corresponding position of every tooth - it depends on the bone. Another point is, because single implants are much more vulnerable and exposed to the big chewing forces than several implants covered by а bridge - the bridge in this case has a role of а splint which strengthens the implants. The average number of teeth that you could expect to have on your bridges is 12 units (for every bridge). In some cases with severe bone loss it could be 10. Usually, these numbers are enough to have aesthetics and function restored.

It may look as the jaws are two separate parts in our mouth but they work as a whole system. If we have a problem with one of the jaws, often there’s an ongoing problem with the other one too. To achieve best long term results of the restoration, it is important to balance the chewing forces. If not, overloading of the implants and failure of the treatment are possible.

For example, you have missing teeth on your lower right and want to have an upper jaw restoration. This situation will lead to unilateral chewing pattern with possible overloading on your top left implants. You will chew on the left side only because of the missing antagonist on your lower right.

Sometimes this balance can be achieved without treatment of the opposite jaw. However, many times treatment and restoration of the both jaws is necessary. And that’s the reason why many times we recommend full mouth restoration, despite the fact that the opposite jaw is seemingly fine, with the “minor” problems only.

If there are teeth with good long term prognosis and stable roots, there’s no need to extract them. In this case usually a root canal treatment is performed. This means that the nerve of the tooth is removed, the root is being cleaned and filled to prevent any further infection.

Then these teeth become part of the construction under the bridge. If later on a problem occurs, usually it can be treated through the bridge. The only problem that needs the bridge to be removed is the extraction of a tooth. In this case, if the bridge could be removed intact it can be used again. Otherwise a new bridge has to be created. However, the expected life of such tooth is years and that’s why we consider leaving such a tooth a better choice rather than replacing it with implant.

The direct answer to this question is - yes, it is possible. However, this is a decision to be taken in a discussion between doctor and patient and must be informed. It is not always only a matter of money - there are several matters to be taken in consideration:

  • duration - if restoration of the second jaw is done at a later stage, the treatment period as a whole is doubled - one more visit is necessary. Travel and accommodation expenses as well double, as the out of office period.
  • balance - the jaws have to be matched in order to have the correct bite. If the jaws are done separately, this could be a certain limitation in finding the best balance between them.
  • aesthetics - the outlook of the both jaws will be different in the period while the second one is not being restored yet.
  • money - you would have to pay 2 x single jaw restoration packages which is about 8% more expensive than the full mouth restoration.
  • personal - anyway, there are always specific medical issues that have to be taken into account.

Once the implants are integrated into the bone successfully, if proper care is taken, they should last for a lifetime. Of course, our body changes all the time and that’s why nobody can guarantee specific length of time, but in general they are supposed to last for a lifetime.

The temporary bridges are made of high quality long term provisional polymer. The process is guided by CAD/CAM computer technology.

The permanent hybrid bridges are made of high quality permanent polymer and are reinforced with metal frame. The proccess is based on digital impression taking and is guided by CAD/CAM computer based technology.

If you decide to come for treatment at our clinic, you need to pick up an available slot from our restoration calendar. You will receive a written confirmation from us that the slot is put on hold for you (you will as well see your initials under it with status - pending) and you can proceed booking your flight tickets. When you get them, you should forward the flight reservations to us as a confirmation of your intention. Then you will be officially included in our calendar.

It is advisable at least to coordinate your accommodation with us. This will help you avoid inappropriate hotels and areas. We can offer you several proven hotels and apartments on a walking distance (or at least with good subway connections) to the clinic. They offer special rates for our patients. When we have your flight tickets as a confirmation and your room preference we can make a reservation in your favor. You would not be charged in advance for that. You can pay for the accommodation at your check-out time with your card or in cash in EUR or Bulgarian Leva.

We also offer free transfers from and to the airport.

II. 1st visit

During the first visit, the main part of the treatment takes place. Usually the job is being done for up to 4-5 working days. For example, if the dental work starts on Monday/Tuesday, you can leave Bulgaria next Saturday.

Usually we start with a fresh scan assessment, general health checkup, discussion of the treatment plant with our doctors, clearing the payment.

The extractions and the placement of the implants are performed the same day, in a single session. Then several follow ups take place. On the 3rd day usually, the new teeth are cemented over the implants. The temporary teeth are non-metal long term provisional bridges. Temporary bridges are necessary to be used, so that the implants have time to fuse well with the bone and the gum line to get stable form.

Payment has to be cleared before the treatment starts, after your acceptance of the treatment plan.

The clinic's base prices are in EUR. All prices of medical services are final and are exempt from VAT. They do not include bank fees or other transaction costs - they are at the patient's expense.

Depending on the chosen method of payment, it can be done immediately before the treatment itself (payment in cash or by card) or a few days before, if payment by bank transfer is chosen.

Bank transfer
The clinic accepts bank payments in BGN and EUR. Please note that with international transfers there is a technical time of about 1-3 working days before the payment itself is confirmed by our bank, so it is good to order the transfer according to this period.

With card
We accept payments with the following types of cards (debit/credit): Visa, Master Card and Diners Club. When paying by card, there is a 2% additional commission (our bank's fee). Please make sure in advance that the daily payment limits at the POS terminal correspond to the amount of the upcoming payment.

We accept cash payments in BGN, EUR, GBP, USD, CHF, CAD, AUD. Prices in currencies other than EUR are determined by the clinic's official price list (published on the official web page) on the day of payment. It is updated once a day according to changes in exchange rates to EUR.

The clinic issues tax invoices. If you would like us to issue one, please let us know at the time of payment, but no later than 5 working days.

Yes, we provide oral or IV conscious sedation which helps you to feel relaxed during the implantation session. Type of the sedation depends on your general health and level of anxiety. The sedation is included in the price.

Oral or IV conscious sedation is an excellent choice for people who fear of the procedure. Though sedatives do not cause sleep, they usually dull the senses. This means that most patients cannot remember the pain, smells or noises associated with the procedure.

Most of the drugs used in sedation dentistry are classified as benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines reduce anxiety, muscle spasms, insomnia and seizures.

The surgery and the implant placement is usually performed under local anesthesia. This type of anesthesia is absolutely enough not to feel pain during the surgery. To avoid further discomfort after the surgery we’ll give you additional painkillers.

The extractions and the placement of implants are performed simultaneously in a single session. Usually, its duration is about 3 hours.

In most of the cases where mass extraction is required the teeth are affected by gum disease and are already weak. Extracting teeth in "bad shape" usually is much easier than healthy teeth. Anyway everything is very individual but when well managed with painkillers in postoperative period, usually our patients don’t report great discomfort even after mass extraction.

After the procedure you should be in a good general condition and you would be able to walk alone. However, you will be accompanied to your hotel by a staff member or our driver if your hotel is not on walking distance.

During the first several days after the surgery you should consume liquid or pureed/strained food. Some of the hotels (like Crystal Palace) we work with are aware of the special needs our patients have and would blend meals from the menu upon request. It’s also recommended to avoid hot food. Over the next few days you will slowly progress to more solid food.

On the first day of your treatment the implants would be placed and usually on the third day the temporary bridge is cemented. So, during this period you would have some time without teeth which you could spend resting. During that time the wounds from the extractions/implants will recover a bit before the cementation of the temporary bridges.

The stitches we use are biodegradable. The manufacturer gives up to 3 months for resorption. Usually this happens earlier but it's very individual. If it feels uncomfortable, you can always ask for appointment with your local dentist for early removal after 14 days.

III. 2nd visit

During the second visit we switch from temporary to permanent bridges. The second visit usually happens 6-18 months later and it takes not less than 10 working days. It is longer than your first visit because the production of the permanent bridges is a much more time consuming process. It involves several stages in the dental lab and several follow ups in the clinic during your stay.

After the implants are placed, at the first stage of the treatment, there’s a 6-18 month healing period. During that time a process of remodeling of your gum will start. It is natural and can’t be avoided anywhere /regardless of the clinic/. This shrinkage usually causes the appearence of some space between the gum and the bridges. It may bring some discomfort regarding the cleaning process, but it’s preferred by most patients compared to the option to wear full removable dentures like in traditional method of implantation with postponed loading. After the 6th month usually the most substantial shrinkage is over and you can start planning your second visit. Of course, if you feel that your gums are still remodelling, you can wait several months more, this is not contradictory.

At the second visit the gaps that have appeared are corrected with a new set of permanent bridges. The new bridges are created to fit well your already stable gumline. Аt this stage you get the best aesthetic results.

Keep in mind that throughout our lives there is a continuous process of gum shrinking and nobody can guarantee that your gums would not shrink further more.

Usually our advice is to start planning your visit after the 6th month when you feel that your gums are not changing as before. Average time for planning is 2 months in advance. For the summer period we advise to consider 3-4 months in advance in order to avoid unnecessary high tickets expenses.

During the removal of your temporary bridges there are two possible scenarios. In case they are unloaded easily and remain intact, they can be loaded again after taking the impressions. There's also a chance that the bridges break and it's not possible to use them again. In this case you will have to stay for about a week without teeth until the final bridges are loaded.

If you are not able to complete the treatment in recommended 6-18 months period and you don't experience any problems usually is fine. You have to be aware however that after this period we can't guarantee any more the temporary bridges against material deffects, because they are supposed to be changed with permanent ones.

We can't guarantee also that the cost of the second stage of the treatment would remain the same as initialy quoted. In such cases we apply our current price for second visits which is officialy quoted on our website.

IV. Aftercare

Guarantee covers material defects of the bridges and the implants. It's valid in our clinic in Sofia. A guaranty of the medical service and success of the treatment can not be offered, since the practice of dentistry and surgery is not an exact science and healing is quite individual process, which depends on the patient’s ability for recovery.

Nevertheless usually we help either free of charge or at a significantly reduced price, if single implants or prosthetic part must be exchanged due to unexpected events.

In case of a guarantee event, please note that all travel and accommodation expenses are at the patient's expense.

The guarantee can be limited or even invalidated if the following happens:

  • Oral hygiene is neglected.
  • Dentist's instructions are not followed.
  • The gum tissue shrinked or the bone is naturally reducing.
  • Substantial amount of weight loss or weight gain within a short period of time.
  • A general illness is present which has adverse effects on the chewing organ (e.g. epilepsy, osteoporosis, after-condition excessive X-rays or chemotherapy).
  • Inappropriate selection of the color and shape of the dental crowns by the patient (during the preparation period, patients are given the opportunity to choose their color preference however, Smile Dental Services - Bulgaria cannot be held responsible for the decision of the patient if decide later that they do not like the color or shape.
  • Damage caused by accidents, sports or any third party when another dentist carries out treatment on a guaranteed work without our approval/ knowledge.
  • Damage caused by extreme stress (grinding at night, grip of the teeth, eating of excessivly solid foods).
  • Smoking or drug abuse.
  • Guarantee for root canal treatments can't be offered.
  • If our clinic is not notified in reasonable time frame for the problem (usually 7 days).

It is advisory for you to keep an eye on your implants and the stability of the bridges after you have had the restoration. If you notice that any implant becomes loose, sore or painful, or you exhibit any other symptoms as construction movement, you should contact us at the earliest opportunity. Keep in mind that the construction movement doesn’t always mean problems with the implants - it may be just a detachment. However, this has to be fixed without delay because any construction movement may provoke further problems with the implants.

Although not a common issue, it could happen that the temporary bridge gets detached. In this case, please contact us. Usually you have two options. The first is to catch the next flight and visit our clinic to glue it here. In this case, medical service will be free of charge. The second option is to find a local dentist to do it. In this case you have to pay the medical service by yourself.

The bridge could get damaged by accident in the same way as the natural teeth. If you have such a problem, please contact us to determine the extent of the problem. Usually in such case you have to visit us to replace or repair the bridge. If covered by the guarantee, the medical service will be free of charge.

Aftercare is very important if you wish to have long-lasting implants. Implants don’t require any special cleaning. You can take care in them the same way like for natural teeth. It is recommended to use soft brush after every meal or at least twice a day (morning, evening).

Regular check-ups (every 6 months) after the initial treatment are recommended so that the implants are regularly monitored. If the dentist should discover an issue at an early stage, we can plan appropriate treatment to remedy the matter. You can visit your local dentist also for routine check-up. If you have any questions or difficulties, you can contact us.

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