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Patient Testimonials & Reviews

Here you can watch and read 304 testimonials & reviews from our patients, most of them underwent full mouth restoration with dental implants in our clinic in Sofia / Bulgaria. Full mouth restoration (All-on-4™) is the most complex procedure in restorative dentistry.

Paper and video reviews

Please note that since the end of 2019 we no longer collect paper reviews. This means that after that date you would not find newer ones here.

Order by: Best Rated | Date of Add

1. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants

Happy B. (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  208  5 

Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


2. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants

William S. (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  57  3 

3. Six Implant Treatment

Amazing! Total professional. Excellent customer focus and attention to detail.

David (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  45  7 

4. Full mouth restoration including basal implants, crowns & bridges

Chris (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  44  8 

5. Full mouth restoration including basal implants, crowns & bridges. 1st + 2nd visits

Treatment was very easy going.

No problems and no pain. I'm 100% satisfied with results. Bridge is just as I wanted. Everithing was even better then what I expected.

Marina (Ireland),
Was this review helpful to you?  37  1 

Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


6. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

I was involved in a car accident in the UK some 23 years ago, during which I lost all my teeth. Since that time, for various reasons, I have been wearing full dentures. Over the last year or so, I seemed to have more and more mouth ulcers which led me to research alternatives. That research led me to titanium implants, which were to be the answer to my problems. Since my family and I live in Qatar, I visited dental surgeons there first which resulted in conflicting advice, i.e. bone grafts and sinus uplifts required. Further research led me to Smile Dental Clinic. Like you, the reader, are doing right now, you are reading the reviews, trying to make a decision.

I first made contact via the 'chat' function and I found that Lachezar, to whom I first had contact, was knowledgeable and extremely helpful. I explained my case and sent an x-ray and was disappointed that Dr Dimitrov firstly determined he was unable to help. I responded to this, expressing my disappointment, to which Dr. Dimitrov undertook a thorough review and had a change of opinion but refused to make a final decision until he could physically see what he was dealing with and reviewed x-rays made locally. Through an endless stream of emails with questions and answers thereafter, I decided, after lengthy discussions with my wife, to take the plunge and booked an appointment. Thereafter, Stanislava was extremely helpful booking hotel accommodation and arranging for my transportation from the airport.

I first met Dr Dimitrov and his team a few days ago, on Monday, 17 November 2014 and instantly felt at ease in their care. My case was indeed a challenge for them and various options were discussed about what I wanted and what they were able to do. Such was the nature of my particular case that Smile Dental Services were unable to confirm how many implants they could insert until the procedure was under way. Throughout the entire process, everything was explained to me and I was kept pain free at all times. I can only say that Dr Dimitrov and his team are the ultimate professionals and of primary importance to them is patient comfort. At the end of the procedure, a total of 6 implants have been inserted in the top and 5 in the bottom, which is a fantastic achievement. On Wednesday, I had the temporary bridges installed both top and bottom and now, for the first time in a very very long time, I am able to bite food, rather than rip it. Admittedly, the swelling still persists, but it is reducing on a daily basis. My treatment is finished for now and I have rearranged my flight a day earlier than planned.

In circa 6 - 12 months, I will return for the porcelain bridges, which will complete my treatment.
Thank you so much to all at Smile Dental Services.

If you the reader, are still unsure after reading this review, please do not hesitate to contact me. My email will provided at request by Smile Dental Services.

John M. (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  41  5 

7. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Jason L. (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  34  1 

8. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges, crowns and implants

Zohra B. (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  33  2 

9. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants. Severe form of gum disease

Very well. First day obviously a bit traumatic because of multiple extractions (25 teeth), but time passed more quickly than anticipated + teeth look really good. Don't hesitate!

4 days after
Hello everyone. Now I am back home and in more normal mode and less shell-shocked, I can enthuse a bit more, so please feel free to use or edit as you see fit.

Thank you all so much for everything you have done. The results that Dr Dimitrov and the team have achieved in just one week are nothing short of a miracle. In addition to now having straight white teeth, the most important thing is that all the infection and diseased tissue caused by a lifetime of smoking and severe untreated gum disease has now been cleared. This would have taken many painful and expensive sessions in the UK, only to lose all your teeth at the end of it just the same.

After stopping smoking only 6 weeks before coming to Sofia, and even though they were already loose and painful, my own teeth deteriorated so rapidly, it was quite shocking. It was as if the sudden blood flow to the gums brought things to the surface of the teeth themselves and it was then that I realised I had
definitely made the right decision.

Since visiting Dr Dimitrov and the team, I sincerely believe, because of the severity and depth of that infection, I made that decision in the nick of time and I feel that I have been rescued from very severe illness or even worse.

There is really nothing to fear. The first day, as everyone comments, is not exactly pleasant, especially if you need multiple extractions, but the time goes quickly and then, in a couple of days, you have new, attractive teeth. How good is that? It's a no-brainer as opposed to dentures!

Everyone is very kind and efficient, everything very smooth, from airport pickup ,to hotel booking (lovely,and very convenient ) right down to your departure. Dr Dimitrov is lovely and a true professional,who will not do things merely for vanity reasons. Admirable!

Smile Dental is the best choice. Thank you again and see you before too long for the second visit.
Regards. Val H. from Wales

Valerie H. (Wales, age 71),
Was this review helpful to you?  31  2 

10. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

I decided to go ahead with my treatment at less than a week notice after deciding to use "Smile" some time before. The communication was excellent, by email and phone. Accommodation and all transfers were arrange for me by the clinic. After an X-Ray, the treatment began and as others have said was virtually painless!!

Dr. Dimitrov and all of his staff were excellent, professional, caring, with humour as well. A little soreness after such a major treatment, but within 48 hours I was eating (+ chewing) a steak!

I have had previous work carried out at the London dental institute and "Smile" match and exceed that in every way. I thoroughly recommend using them.

Roy M. (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  30  1 

Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


11. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges, crowns and implants

First day was pretty stressful due to the extent of work required, but throughout the process I felt comforted by the professionalism of Dr.Dimitrov and his excellent team. He identified I need additional work on my sinus and the operation was carried out at no extra cost !! He even arranged for my clothes to be laundered !! I am extremely pleased with my new look and at no time did I question or feel nervous, especially with Dr.Dimitrov's friendly approach. Would recommend Smile to everyone :)

Painful first day but to be expected with 15 or so extractions and 20 implants. Dr. Dimitrov and his team inspire confidence in everything they do and, despite being a very nervous patient, who has always avoided dentists, the process after Monday was not only painfree but also always understood, given the excellent English spoken. Now the proud possessor of a full set of white teeth, which despite being temporary for 6-12 months, look great. Can't wait to return for finished porcelain set.

Tracey & Jeremy F. (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  29  1 

12. Full mouth restoration including basal implants, crowns & bridges

Richard (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  28  1 

13. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges, crowns and implants

I went to Smile Dental Services in Sofia, Bulgaria with a lot of trepidation. I was very nervous and afraid. However, I left the clinic with a lot of love in my heart and of course a big happy smile. Let me explain further.

Ever since I was a child, I have had dental/gum problems. I was born in Africa in a village where there were no doctors, let alone a dental practice. I suffered from infections constantly and eventually at the age of 12, when I could get to a town where there was a dentist, some of my back teeth were extracted. I continued experiencing tooth infections on and off over the years.

At the age of 40, I started proper periodontal treatments doing all I could to keep the rest of my teeth. A battle I managed to win and loose for the next 15 years. In the meantime, I was researching practices in different parts of the world where I could get the necessary work done. By this time, I needed a sinus lift & bone graft surgery as well as implants. Something in me kept resisting this procedure. My sister, who was also researching, came across Smile Dental Services and gave me the details. The great thing was that Dr Dimitrov could give me implants without having to undergo a sinus lift & bone graft and this was my deciding factor in choosing him.

Dr Dimitrov immediately put me an ease at our first appointment. This did not mean that my nervousness had left me completely. Dr Vlachkova worked along-side with Dr Dimitrov to carry out the extensive work. I felt she could sense my nervousness. I could only see her eyes (as she was wearing a mask) and everytime we made eye contact all I felt was care & compassion. She would always tell me what she was doing and kept me informed. There were two occasions when I disagreed with Dr Dimitrov. Even in those moments, I never felt anything but care & understanding from all members of the staff including Dr Dimitrov himself. There was never any uncomfortable energy ever in the clinic. I was treated firstly as a human-being and then as a patient.

I was also very impressed with Plamen, the dental technician. He worked very long hours to get the work done in time. He was meticulous and took great care and pride in his work. He made sure he was at the clinic at all fittings, going back to the drawing board several times till he was satisfied. I could never thank him enough as my smile looks great!

The dental assistants Lydia and Svetla were efficient and very caring. Svetla knows how to handle the sucker very efficiently and never once let there be any fluid collect in my mouth and for this I am grateful. Lydia took care of my daily needs, ensuring I was looked after, from my hotel reservation, to accompanying me to the lab, to my transfer to and from the airport. She made sure I was okay whilst I was in Sofia.

Finally, Dr Dimitrov was so quick and worked with such 'sure' hands when putting in the implants that I was surprised when he stated he was done in what seemed like only 10minutes (and with no pain). In all my years of having dental work done, I have never come across any dentist with such 'confidence' and 'certainty' in their hands as I did Dr Dimitrov.

By the time I left the clinic on my last day, I had my heart swelling up with love, joy and happiness, not only because I was so pleased with the work done, but because of Dr Dimitrov & all his staff. They were the ones, with their kindness, humanity and caring that made the whole experience so much of a success. As I said earlier, I left with a lot of love in my heart and a big beautiful smile.

I am writing this testimonial 2 months after my trip to Sofia and I am just as happy as I was when I left.

I would highly recommend Dr Dimitrov and the Smile Dental Services without hesitation and I know several of my family members will soon be taking a trip to Sofia.

Shemin Lakhani
Athens Greece
April 2014

Shemin Lakhani (Athens Greece),
Was this review helpful to you?  30  4 

14. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

Once again Dr. Dimitrov and his staff, including the dental technician have excelled in a very difficult case. For the first time in 24 year, I really do have a proper bite and smile. As for the quality of the service received I have never experienced such a friendly first rate dental practice.

My thanks to you all, a very satisfied customer.

John M. (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  26  1 

15. Single jaw restoration including basal implants, crowns & bridges

Karen (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  26  2 

Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


16. Full mouth restoration including basal implants, crowns & bridges

John M. (Ireland),
Was this review helpful to you?  26  2 

17. Single Jaw restoration including basal implants, crowns & bridges

Paul (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  23  0 

18. 5 Implants & 5 Crowns Treatment

Everything was great from start to finish. Very friendly staff. Treatement was painless. The end result is just perfect.

Neil Wilde (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  24  1 

19. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges, crowns and implants (2nd visit)

Lee S. (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  24  1 

20. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges, crowns, implants (1st visit)

I was in Sofia a few month previous to my treatment and visit the clinic and met Dr. Dimitrov. I also visited dentists and clinics in the UK. I decided I would get the treatment by Dr. Dimitrov, not just because of the price. The whole set up is superb. My treatment started on Monday and teeth were fixed in Wednesday. Today (Friday) I feel great. My facial swelling is almost away, gum aren't sore. At last I can smile with confidence now. I've given 10/10 for marks below. I honestly can't fault anything - transfers, hotels, nothing.

Steven S. (Scotland),
Was this review helpful to you?  25  2 

Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


21. Full mouth restoration including basal implants, crowns & bridges

Boris G. (USA),
Was this review helpful to you?  25  3 

22. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges, crowns and implants (1st visit)

Dear Dr Dimitrov and Team,
Just an email to say thank you very much for the care I received from you all and the attention to detail you have put into my case. I arrived home late Saturday night and since then my wife, children and close family have all commented very positively on my new smile.

This is not my final review or testimonial as there are many other positive things I would like to say about my experience with you. I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done for me. It's early days and I understand I need time to recover fully. Your dental technician has also done a fantastic job so please pass on my thanks.

I am eating healthy food and I am committed to maintaining my oral health whilst I wait to come back to you to complete treatment. It will take me some time to work on my smile restoration video but I will share this with you directly when it is complete.

I look forward to seeing you all again in around 6 months to complete treatment. For me it was a very emotional journey for some reason - I'm not sure why. But as I sit back and reflect on my experience I am filled with gratitude for the great work you have done and how you worked with me. Thank you.
The bridges seem to have settled in fine - I am eating and talking well with them. A little discomfort on upper bridge in the area where I had stitches but this is manageable and I'm keeping the whole mouth very clean with regular bathing and rinsing using the mouthwash you recommended.

As I say I will write a full and well worded testimonial at a later date - this email is just to say a big thank you for the care and work you have provided to me so far.

Kind regards

Lee S. (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  23  1 

23. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges, crowns, implants

Absolutly Perfect!
You guys are Amazing!

I was very nervous and apprehensive prior to my treatment. Dr. Dimitrov and his staff soon put me oat ease. The dental nurses are extremely carring and Dr. Dimitrov is so friendly and jolly with a great sense of humour. The staff speak perfect English and answered all of my concerns. I had all my teeth removed and implants put during my first visit. I returned 2 days later to try my new teeth. Some adjuestments were required s I returned the following day. Dr. Dimitrov was not happy with the at as my gums had shrink the day before so he made new impressions and had a new top bridge made. On day 4 my new teeth were fitted and I am over the moon with them!
I need to practise my smile but this is no problem as I cannot get the smile off of my face!

Thank you so much to Dr. Dimitrov and his team, you come highly recommended by me.

Darren R. (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  24  2 

24. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2st visit)

Very pleased with my results.
The teeth are amazing.
Dr. Dimitrov and his team are true professionals and result is something which I would not have received in the UK.

There dentists are at the cutting edge with the latest implantology processes and love their jobs.

Jason R. (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  22  0 

25. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) 2nd visit - PFM permanent bridges

Hi, I would just like to say to the whole smile dentist team, thank you so much. My second visit was a pleasure, lovely city and lovely people too. I would recommend anyone who has already done there first appointment, to make sure you do the follow up, the final set of teeth are so much better than the first set, plus it will give the dental team a chance to make any corrections if any are required. I myself had 2 extra implants added to my bottom jaw [free of charge ], plus there is plenty of time to get to see the sites of Sofia, so thanks again to all at "Smile" dentist.

Charlie D. (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  21  0 

Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


26. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

I was very afraid of having this treatment. I have avoided any dentist for 50 years. I have been amazed by the kindness of the staff and the effectiveness of the treatment throughout. Absolutely no pain only some swelling which is subsiding. I would recommend any on who requires this type of treatment to attend this clinic. I am sure my family will be doing this in the near future.

Hazel M. (age: 80, Ireland),
Was this review helpful to you?  21  0 

27. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2st visit)

Throughout the treatment, which has been quite an emotional rollercoaster the team have given total support and 100% professionalism. Any worries I may have had have been addressed immediately and I could not have wished for a more supportive team around me. It has transformed my life and how I fell about myself. Can not thank you all enough!

Julie M. (England),
Was this review helpful to you?  20  0 

28. Full mouth restoration including basal implants, crowns & bridges

I have been plagued the past year or so with bad pain in my teeth, I was constantly at the dentist (at great expense) and still didn’t seem to be any better. I made a decision to go for implants/crowns and started my research online. My research took me to many sites and after many months I decided on Smile Dental Services in sofia, Bulgaria. I emailed the company and got talking to Stanislava, who was extremely helpful and explained everything to me.

When I arrived at Sofia airport I was met by a driver organised by Smile Dental on Saturday 8th March, he dropped me off at my hotel. On Monday morning he was back at my hotel to take me to my first appointment with Dr Dimitrov and his team. After an initial examination Dr Dimitrov told me I would need a lot of work. He told me the price it would be and if happy the treatment would start. Having the price up front was great, knowing there wouldn’t be any hidden extras down the line. My price was £.... for 6 implants and 28 crowns and root canals. I agreed, paid deposit of 80% signed all relevant forms and work started with Dr Vulchkova. She prepared my teeth for the crowns and unfortunately most teeth also needed root canal. 30 minutes into my work the lovely Dr Dimitrov came into the surgery with flowers as it was my birthday, such a thoughtful touch. Work continued until 2.30pm when I was given a break, started back again at 4pm. They had thought my implants would be in by thenbut it turned out they had too much work to do and we finally called it a night at 7pm. Such a long day and not my most favourite birthday lol
Driver picked me up again on Tuesday morning had 3 hours with Dr vulchkova then Dr Dimitrov came in and put in my 6 implants. I was really nervous but he was great and really put me at my ease. This only took 40 mins J and was not as bad as I had feared. On the Wedneday I had more work with Dr Vulchkova, then dental tech came in to get my bite and make my temporary teeth. Thursday I had my first fitting, then on Friday I had my temps fitted and treatment finished. My bottom jaw swelled up and my chin was very hard (due to the implants going down into my jaw) but Dr Dimitrov said this was common after the amount of work I had done in a week, when most people would have it over a few months. On the Saturday I some pain which painkillers eased and by Sunday I was pain free and swelling was going down. A week later swelling completely down and totally pain free – best decision I ever made to have this procedure done. I am looking forward to returning in 6 months to get my permanent teeth.

Everyone at Smile Dental was so kind, helpful and really professional. A special big thank you to Dr Vulchkova for listening to me moan for 3 days lol – Also to the nurses, Svetla and Lidia for all their help and most of all Dr Dimitrov, Thank you so much.

Eileen M.(UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  20  1 

29. Full mouth restoration including basal implants, crowns & bridges

Smile Dental Services Team was incredibly proffesional. Dr. Dimitrov was very understanding of my anxiety, together with his staff. They did their best to make feel comfortable. After 3 days I walked out with a smile I haven't had in years. If must be said the accommodations (Crystal Palace Hotel) was very comfortable & the staff was also very understanding of my situation. Anyone requiring this procedure, should do it. My smile come back @

Smile Dental Strikes!

Javier (US),
Was this review helpful to you?  19  0 

30. Full mouth restoration including basal implants, crowns & bridges

After doing my research on the internet and looking at hundreds of dentists and reading all the comments people had put, Smile Dental Services stood out more than the others. My treatment was excellent, Dr. Dimitrov is a lovely man, who takes time to listen, to all your concerns and explains everything in detail. I have had my temporary crowns fitter after having implants and crow preparation. They look amazing so can't wait to come back in six months or so to have the permanent ones fitter.

I recommend Dr. Dimitrov and also his staff who were Briliant. If I had to score Smile Dental Services I would give them more than 10 out of 10 and will recommend them to all my family and friends.

Marguerita B. (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  19  0 

Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


31. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges, crowns and implants

Not knowing what to expect and never been to dentist since I was a kid. The treatment was not as bad or painful as I had imagined. First day was a bit intense but did not feel like a 4 hours in the chair. I'm probably not the easiest of patients so I thank the team for what they have done. Also I have no problem recommending this treatment and clinic to anybody.

Willie M. (Ireland),
Was this review helpful to you?  19  0 

32. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges, crowns and implants

Kept well informed as to what would be done. Dimitrov has pulled together a talented and professional team who are able to make each patient feel that they are special.

Peter M. (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  19  0 

33. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges, crowns, implants, root canal

The process took a lot longer than expected as it was more complicated than anticipated. After consultation some intensive dental work was required but all in my best interest for my teeth. Process was very thorough.

Julian P.,
Was this review helpful to you?  19  0 

34. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges, crowns and implants (1st visit)


From booking my treatment till now the whole experience has been great. I suffered with poor teeth since I was a kid, dentists in the UK didn't offer much help or trust. Loads of people asked my why I was going to Bulgaria for treatment, I guess the result and the smooth handling of my case by yourself and your team are why. Are there things you could improve, yes.

Tell the hotel not to recommend risotto after surgery and stitches and do get a facebook page as I think many satisfied patients would send many likes.

Sorry Dr. Dimitrov, but there's nothing negative I could possibly think of.

Ronny B. (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  19  0 

35. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges, crowns and implants (2nd visit)

A life changing experience. I would not hesitate to recommend the treatment and services provided by this clinic. Staff were wonderful as my new teeth. Thank you very much.

Michael G. (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  19  0 

Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


36. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Great communication via email prior to my visit to Sofia. Although the first day was never going to be a pleasant, I was far better than I had thought it would be. Passed quickly and all staff were fantastic.

I was really surprised on how little than I had thought the whole process, turns out the worst part of the whole experience was my fear. To be honest I was terrified! The team were great and put me at ease. Only negative is that I'm missing back teeth. Implants couldn't be placed due to infection. The plan is to be fixed on the next visit. Overall great, can't thank the team enough.

Darren L. (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  19  0 

37. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants

I definitely underestimated how traumatic the extractions and implants sessions would be. I felt slightly in shock at the end. I wouldn’t recommend coming alone as you need support. Shopping isn’t good when you don’t have teeth and you don’t speak the language. Crystal Palace Hotel was excellent, they understand what you are going through, and as it is only 3 minutes walk away it’s an excellent base. The treatment itself was carried out very professionally and everyone was very kind. My only criticism is that maybe a little bit more English could be spoken in the treatment room, to help put you at ease. I couldn’t be happier with the end result. I have very attractive new teeth that function well and will definitely change my life. Thanks everyone at Smile!

Tina T. (UK),
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38. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

Met at the airport as arranged. Driver, English speaking and very friendly. First appointment Dr. Dimitrov was professional as always and was then referred to Dr. Markov who is as professional as “The Doctor”. Smile Team are exceptional both in service as in empathy to your own individual situation. I would recommend you DO follow up your 2nd visit as the final result is better than I could ever of imagined. You will have to accept that although you will spend 2 weeks, you do have to be available but the end result is “life changing”. Also you get to meet lots of nice people too… clients that are going through the same experience.

Tracey F. (UK),
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39. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Arrived on Sunday 21st June. Collected at hotel on Monday 22 for X-ray. Treatment started Wednesday 24th. Prior to Wednesday I was attended by Doctor who carefully monitored blood pressure. I had an impression of teeth taken by a technician.
Wednesday: was given a pill to relax and blood pressure fallen. Teeth were extracted and implant inserted. Given medication for the pain. Fitting follow up in the morning on 26th and teeth fitted p.m. Fully satisfied with all care and attention received. Love the teeth!

Michael F. (England),
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40. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

My treatment went better than expected. I thought I would be soar for days, but day after treatment was up and about. I would honestly recommend Smile Dental. All the care and attention was fantastic.

Phil H. (Ireland),
Was this review helpful to you?  19  0 

Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


41. Upper Jaw Restoration, permanet bridge (PFM) (2nd visit)

From the moment I arrived I was so well looked after by all of the staff at Smile. Having had very bad bone loss and also being insulin dependant I was of course very nervous. This was my second visit to smile so other than having the temporary one removed they have spent a lot of time taking impressions to make sure the permanent ones were perfect and ensure no gaps would be there. All I can really say is thank you! Its been amazing and will make such a difference.

David S. (England),
Was this review helpful to you?  19  1 

42. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

I arrive in Bulgaria unable to eat properly and I avoided smiling - 5 days later I'm a new person I can eat, Smile and it was given me new confidence. Thank you so much!

Craig L. (England),
Was this review helpful to you?  18  0 

43. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2st visit)

Home again and already missing Sofia,

Had to write and thank all of you, for your wonderful care, and attention, you gave me on my last, and indeed my first visit too. You are all very special, and very, very good at your job. I feel so blessed to have chosen you to reinstate my mouth with beautiful teeth, now I can smile with confidence, a big thank you, to each and every one. To Dr Dimitrov, as the head of your team, thank you. Through the grape vine, I'm told you are not to well, I thank the Lord each day for you in my life, and I ask of him each day, the best for your life. Stay positive, there's lots and lots of people still out there that will be in need of your brilliance.

William S. (age: 80, UK),
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44. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges, crowns and implants

I had full mouth reconstruction (first stage) and difficulties with bone quality (so a difficult case!) Dr. Dimitrov is deft, obviously very experienced and both friendly and professional. It's not an easy treatment, but he and his staff did everything they could make it go smoothly. The nursing staff were outstanding. I'm leaving here happier and looking about 10 years younger!

Caroline W. (UK),
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45. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges, crowns and implants

Very nervous coming to a strange country, as I haven't been to Bulgaria before. As I didn't come on recommendation, as I soon find out they were very professional and friendly.

Cost wise he was very good as he only did what he had to do and didn't add any extra cost.

I'm very pleased and will certainly come back in future.

Andrew S. (UK),
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Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


46. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

From start to finish I was very well looked after. All staff from driver to everyone working at the clinic were very friendly, professional and caring. Treatment obviously was a bit traumatic on the first day. But I could only admire the caring way all staff looked after me. The final results is fantastic. I will be back in 6 months for my second visit. I am very satisfied and would recommend the Smile Dental service to anyone.

Alicia D. (England),
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47. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Full mouth restoration. I'm very happy with the finished results of the first stage. Everyone was so nice friendly and helpful. I got treated like Royalty. Any concerns I had were explained. Was bit scared about coming for the procedure but I needn't have worried. Will recommend to anyone thinking about it to go for it and come here.

Donald M.,
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48. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

I could not be happier with my new teeth. The staff are excellent. They treated me with such respect. I were there all the time to give me such reassurance + comfort. The actual treatment on the first day was intensive but the time went very quickly. The extra attention I received during my high blood pressure time excellent. I thank all of the team for their wonderful work.

Marion D. (England),
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49. Full mouth restoration including basal implants, crowns & bridges

I was extremely nervous before arriving at the Smile Dental Services however everyone was very welcoming, the hotel booking and transfers from the airport were all arranged for me and went smoothly and the process was explained to me throughout.

I had severe gum disease, loose teeth and infections so on day 1 I had all my teeth extracted under local anaesthetic and the implants placed. I did experience some pain but more anaesthetic and pain killers were administered to alleviate this.

The rest of the process was painless; this included taking the impressions, fitting of the bridges and finally the fine tuning of my bite.

I am very pleased with the results. Dr Dimitrov and his team are very professional and I look forward to my return visit once my gums/implants have settled down.

Brian. G. (UK),
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50. Full mouth restoration including basal implants, crowns & bridges

My treatment from enquiry to completion was first class the hole team listened to my queries and fears and even at the clinic there was absolutely no pressure to go ahead. I felt in control of what I wanted done. and the whole experience was painless. I am due back for completion but I cannot thank to doctor and team enough fro making me feel very welcome. Thank you!

Brian. A. (UK),
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Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


51. Full mouth restoration including basal implants, crowns & bridges

Treatment went great - very nervous at beginning but all questions were patiently answered. Great & very understanding dental team. Extraction & implant placement in one appointment sounded scary, however went really smoothly and not really any pain. All very manageable. Was a bit swollen but now, on day 5 great end result, swelling almost completely gone - very happy!

Leila. S. (Netherlands),
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52. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges, crowns and implants

I was apprehensive about treatment outside of the UK but Dr. Dimitrov and his team put me at ease on first meeting. I expected to lose all my teeth as back in the UK I was told they needed to be removed but team were able to save the healthy teeth.

I had a lot of treatment in a very short space of time and although a little uncomfortable not as painful as I expected. The team are very professional and very helpful throughout your stay.

Vincent F. (UK),
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53. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges, crowns and implants (1st visit)

Thank you for restoring my smile, totally professional and a fantastic confident team to say the least, my family and friends say my smile is perfect so that being said i,m looking forward to my permanent porcelain set, see you in six months.

Thank you again

Robert T. (UK),
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54. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) 2nd visit - PFM permanent bridges

My second visit, Friday 21st, I got my temporary teeth out. It was a little difficult as they were put in so well they wouldn’t come out again, so Dr. Dimitrov had to drill them out. After that I didn’t have to go back until Tuesday and the doctor was taking bite impressions for the dental technicians. That’s when the work began to get my lovely teeth. In Friday I went back at 3 PM and at 4PM I came out with my teeth. I was so happy. A big thank you to the dental tech and to Lidia and Svetla and not forgetting the lovely Dr. Dimitrov. Many thanks to everyone. .

Eileen M. (UK),
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55. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) 2nd visit - PFM permanent bridges

I have always been scared of going to the dentist and was also not gifted with good teeth… I had very bad teeth indeed and I gave up taking care of them making the situation worse.

Last year I had the first treatment: extraction of all teeth, except 2 wisdom, 1 molar and on the same day the implants were inserted. It was very painful but at the end of the treatment week, I left Bulgaria with temporary fixed bridges which looked and felt great. 12 months later I came back for the final treatment and today (last day) I am the proud owner of perfect teeth (suitable for me and very natural looking) and I look forward to tucking in that steak! File changing.

Barry E. (UK),
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Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


56. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

My extractions proved to be very difficult I was told on a scale of 1 to 10 with one being difficult & ten being easy, mine was a 3. All the staff were extremely good. Friendly, considerate & professional. I understandably have slight discomfort at the moment but this will not last & the end result with my new teeth is superb. I have nothing other than high praise for the Smile Dental Services.

Garry G. (England, age 62) ,
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57. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit).

It all went very well. I'm very happy with the treatment I received here. Even my case wasn't easy Dr. Dimitrov team handled it brilliantly! The treatment, transportation and accommodation were of the high standards as promised. I can't find words to express my gratitude!

Marian M. (UK),
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58. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

I was surprised how my first day treatment - full mouth extractions went so fast and implants put in. I imagined it was going to be a terrible experience but it was ok considering the work done. The team at smile are great and made the whole process easier.

Paul McC. (Ireland),
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59. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Carmela and I, would like to pass onto Doctor Dimitrov, his Dental Nurse, the Dental Technician and yourself, our most sincere thanks, for the dental work conducted by Dr Dimitrov, commencing on Monday 16 March this year. The outcome was nothing short of spectacular, you have given Carmela back her “Smile” and we thank you all for your help and assistance right through from the being to the end. It was also painless from the being to the end, including the organization from being picked up at the Airport, the assistance from your Driver Micho and the Hotel staff were also excellent and including the quality of the accommodation at Crystal Palce.

We are forever grateful to you all, thank you Doctor.

Carmela F. & David F. (Australia),
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60. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Very well, very happy with treatment and communication. Maybe a form from hotel for patients to select meals would be better at hotel, patients could tick what meal they would like rather than try to order with no teeth and spitting blood?? Only a suggestion. Top quality service received otherwise, look forward to return for porcelain fused to metal teeth!!

Graham R. (England),
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Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


61. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Excellent. I would thorougly reccomend Smile to everybody. Everybody in the team are fantastic and very professional from start to finish. Sofia wonderful city and Crystal Palace hotel is wonderful and next door to Smile. Do not ever doubt dental tourism as smile are the best and best value for money. Thank you all.

Peter G. (Ireland),
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62. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

After second visit. All went really good. I am very very pleased with the final result. My new teeth look great. And all at Smile Dental clinic are the best service I have ever had. Thank you all for my new teeth.

Wilfred M. (England),
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63. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

I was very frightened when I come for treatment but was put at ease by all the lovely staff. I feel my treatment for first visit went very well indeed and everyone is so kind and answered all my questions and made sure I was 99% pain free!

So glad I come here and will be happy to return.

Beverly G. (England),
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64. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Better than expected during the removal and implants. Pain was tolerable. All my questions were answered and all the staff were very caring and professional. Was very impressed about the team work. The putting of the teeth itself was a bit concerning but that was probably due to me not having teeth for a number of years. I will definitely recommend the family and friends.

Manish T. (UK),
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65. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2st visit)

My treatment went very well. The team worked well together and made me feel relaxed, relativity pain free. I'm normally nervous of dentists. I'm confident that the treatment was a success

Richard T. (G. Britain),
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Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


66. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2st visit)

My initial treatment, removal of teeth & implants places, was very straight forward. I developed an oro-antral fistola, so the second part of my treatment to place permanent teeth was delayed for 3 years until I could have closure of the fistola. I have now had my permanent teeth fitted and I couldn't be happier. Thank you Dr. Dimitrov and the team for giving me my confidence back.

Sue M. (UK),
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67. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

All my life I have a complete dislike in going to dentist until I came here. Staff were amazing and so pleased with. The treatment very professional and would highly recommend this to anybody.

David. W. (UK),
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68. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Amazing, treatment was pain free! I had a full mouth restoration and the end product is absolutely fantastic. Staff are very caring and very professional. I would recommend Smile dentist to anyone. I am extremely happy with mu new smile. Thank you very much for everything.

Paula R. (UK),
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69. Full mouth restoration including basal implants, crowns & bridges

It was with some apprehension I visited Smile Dental Services in Sofia but was soon put at ease by the friendly and attentive team under Dr. Dimitrov. Full restoration procedure is a formidable job but whilst experiencing discomfort, it was honestly not painful - with the anaesthetics and the Doctor did a great job. Sizing of the bridge took place concurrent of a period of intense healing after while the teeth are fitted to the implants. Much time and effort is devoted to obtaining a correct byte and in repairing the appearance of the teeth. Downtime in Sofia allows a chance to see a lovely city. All in all I am very satisfied with the work carried out so far and aim to return in due cause for fine tuning once the gums and implants have settled.

A. B. (UK),
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70. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

The treatment was painless, very easy & straight forward. The team worked together extremely well and were very efficient. I am very pleased with the new teeth. Everything was spot on ever down to the drives, all friendly.

Melanie G. (UK),
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Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


71. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2st visit)

My treatment went extremely well. My permanent teeth are very comfortable, they look fantastic and I am happy with the result.

I can fully recommend this treatment to anyone looking for full mouth restoration.

Michael F. (UK),
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72. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2st visit)

Treatment went very well, no problems. Staff and doctors very friendly and accommodating. slight soreness at times but no pain. Very happy with results same as the first visit a year ago.

Rob A. (UK),
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73. Full mouth restoration including basal implants, crowns & bridges

The treatment went extremely well & quick. I was incredibly nervous, but after the first day (extraction) I knew that the worst was done. I'm incredibly happy with the outcome, which is life changing. Thanks Dr. Dimitrov + Team

Barry. E. (UK),
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74. Full mouth restoration including basal implants, crowns & bridges

My treatment went according to the plan, after doint the scan I had the extraction and the implants done in the same day, later on I was fitter the bridge.

Communication: Very Good. Dr. Dimitrov and the staff speak English very well
Location: The clinic is located in a nice and quite area where too many shops and hotel around
Friendliness: Dr. Dimitrov and the staff were very friendly and helpful and they tried their best to made me comfortable.
Satisfaction: I'm very satisfied with the treatment and with clinic staff and I recommend it to every patient who needs dental implants!

S. Hussein (UK),
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75. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges, crowns and implants

Excellent treatment / staff very professional and always put me at ease, and made me comfortable. Very happy!

Thank you very much.

Allan S. (Scotland),
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Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


76. Upper Jaw Restoration with implants & permanent porcelain fuse to metal bridge (2nd visit)

My treatment was excellent, first class. The dentist and his staff are wonderful people. I'm so happy to be able to smile again.
Thank you.

Cherie F. (UK),
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77. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges, crowns, implants (1st visit)

Very Positive, friendly,
Felt that all my worries were listened to and dealt with sympathy and competence!
Thank you all

Paul N.,
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78. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

I was made to feel comfortable and relaxed from the moment I stepped into the surgery. Dr. Dimitrov and the whole team are gentle, reassuring and very professional. I can smile confidently and have no excuse not to smile more often. "Smile Dental" puts the smile back on your face.

Julie D. (UK, age 46),
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79. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

It is now one week since my treatment was finished in Sofia. I do not have words that can describe my appreciation and thanks to the whole Smile Dental Services team. Only 4 days to transform my mouth and appearance painlessly - fantastic and unbelievable.
The new teeth look great.

Smile Dental Services - Professional, organised, efficient and relaxed.
I would highly recommend SDS to anyone requiring treatment.

The only regret I have, is that I did not do this several years ago.

Scot S. (UK),
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80. Lower Jaw Restoration with bridges and implants, after upper jaw 1 year ago

Excellent from start to finish. I would highly recommend to anybody requiring dental work.

Mark W. (UK),
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Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


81. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

From the moment I turned up at the clinic I was very scared. The staff made me feel very relaxed and comfortable throughout my treatment over 4 days. Doctor Dimitrov is a true professional in this kind of dental surgery.

Thank you so much Smile Clinic for giving me my smile back.

Jason R. (UK),
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82. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

At times the process of the treatment was painful but the results have been worth the pain. The team of smile dentist have been outstanding in many ways with care, humour and professionalism.

Robert M. (Scotland),
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83. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Treatment was excellent. Dr. Dimitrov and his team are very professional and have a caring approach to their work. I would recommend to anyone requiring extensive restorative dental treatment.

Rodney F. (England),
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84. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

My second visit was very pleasant even though I was nervous the doctor and staff made me feel very welcome. The treatment was very good and I would recommend to all. There really is nothing to worry about.. and the final results are fantastic.

Many thank to all at Smile Dental.

Brian A. (UK),
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85. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2st visit)

this was my 2nd visit. I now have the teeth I've wanted for many years... fingers crossed! Time will tell but I'm happy with how the treatment went and pleased with the results.

The staff & dentists were very good and kept their promises regarding the results.

Alan H. (UK),
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Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


86. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2st visit)

Well, as expected. It wasn't painful, apart of the anesthetics.

I don't have bad breath anymore. I can smile again.

Ana V. (Portugal),
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87. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

My experience was excellent, no pain during or after extractions + implants. Minor discomfort in between implants + fixing teeth (5%). Cannot recommend them too highly.

John R. (Wales),
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88. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Extractions and implants done on Monday and bridges fitted following Thursday. Quite happy with the outcome. Professionalism and care of the highest standard of everyone involved. Highly recommended.

Gudjon S. (Iceland),
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It was a fantastic experience. Dr Dimitrov and the team were very friendly, very professional and at all time very informative. The operation was painless and didn't take long at all. I am extremely happy with my teeth.

James M. (Great Britain),
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90. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges, crowns and implants

From the moment I arrived, I was made to feel welcome by all the staff, which helped settle any nerves I had. As soon as Dr. Dimitrov finished going over my X-Rays, he then explained to me my treatment plan. Then it was down to business of my treatment. First I had numerous extractions, before my implants were inserted. All in all the treatment takes about 3 hours (although it does seem quicker). The treatment is painless but is uncomfortable, which was to be expected considering the amount of extractions I had. But what I can say, is the skill and confidence the team showed was excellent, which also made me feel comfortable. The team also looked after me in the days after my first treatment. Because of my treatment I had swollen gums (which is also to be expected) but Dr. Dimitrov prescribed mouthwash and gum gel to ease any pain. But when I had seen the final results, it was well worth it. Thanks.

Charles D. (Scotland),
Was this review helpful to you?  11  0 

Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


91. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Throughout the staff were extremely personable made the experience bearable. The treatment was quite painless. From the start to finish was updated which was a plus.

Kenneth M. (England),
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92. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2st visit)

Had my second visit everything went good. My new teeth fit very well as my gums had shrink since my first visit after having all my teeth out.

As I live in the U.K. I was a bit worried about communication but I need not have worried because everything went fine and I recommend Smile Dental

Christine B. (UK),
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93. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Treatment went better than I could have hoped. The whole team was very helpful and understanding. 10/10!

David N. (UK),
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94. Full mouth restoration including basal implants, crowns & bridges

Very smoothly - fast and efficient. Dr. Dimitrov explained the procedure in detail & was very reassuring.

Ernest M.(UK),
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95. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Second to none, staff excellent, made me feel very comfortable, recommend to anyone. One very happy person!

John B. (England),
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Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


96. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Очень понравилась работа докторов Димитрова, Маркова и коллектива.
Спасибо большое!

Валентина Б. (Санкт-Петербург),
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97. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

I had a full mouth reconstruction a lot of work. Dr. Dimitrov and his team were fantastic. The procedure was painless I did have sore gums after to be expected with such a large surgery. I would recommend to everyone.

Alison T. (UK),
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98. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Treatment went well not painful like I thought it might be. Staff very friendly and speak English. Had a number of follow-ups over the two weeks we spent in Sofia to keep check on our dental work before going home. Looking forward to second visit so my teeth and smile will be 100%.

Christine B. (UK),
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99. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

Very efficient as always at the airport, despite the possibility to be without teeth up to 8 days which we had been warned about by office manager Lachezar. Really glad that we knew that as long term temporaries broke during removal. The following week consisted of several follow up visit by Dr. Markov and the team were always professional and empathetic. If you are choosing to bring your smile back then don’t go anywhere else.

Jeremy F (UK),
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100. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants

Very pleased with everything. Treatment was excellent. Some discomfort but not much, and painless, surprisingly so.
Dr. Dimitrov is very reassuring and the rest of the team are kind, professional and caring. Lovely people.

Anne S. (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  10  0 

Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


101. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

The second visit to Smile Dental services was excellent. The staff prepared my stay and was extremely friendly and professional. The permanent bridges are well constructed and special care was taken so the new bridges fit completely. Over all I'm happy with the Smile Dental services and with my new smile.

Ricardo G. (USA),
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102. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Treatment went well. Post-op relatively pain free. Looking forward to my permanent teeth in about 9 months. Excellent service. Very professional.

Bryan A. (UK),
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103. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2st visit)

Mine was a very difficult case. 2nd visit lost 2 of the implants due to the poor quality of bone in my upper jaw. Dr. Dimitrov and his very friendly staff managed to fit beautiful permanent bridges. I am very happy with the result. The quality of the teeth is excellent.

Alicia D. (England),
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104. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Treatment went as planned. Everyone was very friendly and answered any question that I had. The location of the hotel is a few minutes from the clinic was ideal especially before the teeth are loaded.

I am looking forward to the next stage of the treatment.

Beverly. H. (UK),
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105. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Overall, the whole treatment went very well. Couldn't tell totally painless, but the pain was bearable and I was provided with enough painkillers to go trough it.

Staff was very friendly, polite and courteous. It was a pleasure to deal with them.

Ruslan M. (UK),
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Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


106. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Treatment went really good. I'm so very pleased with it. Totally pain free. Doctors, nurses and staff were terrific.

Jim M. (Scotland),
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107. Full mouth restoration with crowns & bridges

I have been extremely impressed the treatment and professionalism of Dr, Dimitrov and his team. This, coupled with their warm welcome, and genuine desire to resolve my dental issues has made the whole experience that much easier.

I have waited many, many years for the smile I now have and could not be happier or thank them enough!

Like many people I am a very nervous patient…I am so pleased that I chose his surgery. I have already recommended Smile to family, friends and colleagues.

And if I ever need dental treatment in the future, Dr. Dimitrov’s clinic would always be my first choice…

The bonus is that I was able to stay in the beautiful city of Sofia!

Gemma (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  8  0 

108. Single implant treatment

I was very scared but felt only slight discomfort. Everyone is lovely and relaxed. Have recommended to my uncle and a work colleague.

Debbie P. (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  8  0 

109. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Excellent treatment from start to finish. I highly recommend this clinic.

Rob. D (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  8  0 

110. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Very well with lovely results. Lovely staff who really gave first class care. Great organisation. Would recommend treatment to others. Nothing is to much trouble, good team work by all staff.

Dr. Dimitrov & Dr. Markov are excellent doctors.

Susan B. (England),
Was this review helpful to you?  10  2 

Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


111. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Very well I was so nervous but they all help me through the experience. Very professional and understanding. Excellent service from start till finish.

Terry S. (England),
Was this review helpful to you?  10  2 

112. Full mouth restoration including basal implants, crowns & bridges

The initial moment went incredibly quickly and fast. The understanding of the doctor and the staff was supreme, excellent reassuring manner and smooth operation. Some complications come about due to removal of stiches early in which did cause some problems but this was fixed in the morning. I highly recommend this dentist. Would recommend them to all who follow.

Paul B.(UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  7  0 

113. Full mouth restoration including implants, crowns & bridges

Dear Dr. Dimitrov, just wanted to say Thank You for your time, patience and expertease in restoring my mouth and creating a Big Beautiful Holywood Smile for me! :-) I have waited so many years for this moment, and gone trough many trials and tribulations to achieve this, more than you could ever imagine! The transition from UK to Bulgaria was easy thanks to your kind hospitality of booking the hotel, the driver and even me with the after care, tablets, vitamins, mouthwash and teeth protector. In essence you go that xtra mile for your patients. I would not hesitate to recommend you and wour wonderful team to anyone who would consider their journey. All the best to you Dr. Dimitrov.

Suzan P. (UK),
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114. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges, crowns and implants

After the injections the treatment was painless. Although there was a lot of work done, I only felt the sensation, not the pain. Breaks were given during the procedure when required. The tablet for anxiety worked really well and helped relax me. My nervousness of the procedure turned out to be worse than the actual procedure. I was surprised on the following days at how much my face swelled and bruised, but ice packs, advice and medication were given as required. (The swelling did subside as Dr. Dimitrov foretold). Special thanks to Lena, who was extremely kind and supportive throughout my treatment.

Theresa L. (UK),
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115. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Second to none staff. Excellent. Made me feel very comfortable. Recommend to everyone. One very happy person

John B (England),
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Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


116. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

It went very well since I had false teeth (dentures) for 35 years. My bone had shrunk up and down so I was only able to have 8 upper and 8 lower teeth inserted. A few more teeth hopefully installed on second visit in about a years time.

Trevor B. (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  7  0 

117. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Very professional and friendly staff. Made me feel at ease. Experienced some pain but the end result was more than worth the discomfort. A great team! I will be back for my 2nd visit. Sofia is such an amazing city.

Andy E. (England),
Was this review helpful to you?  7  0 

118. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants

Excellent from the very start to completion, virtually painless and all members of staff very friendly and professional. I would recommend highly.

Nigel H. (UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  7  0 

119. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

My treatment went very well. I was made to feel relaxed at all times. All the staff are very good at their jobs and makes you feel very safe and relaxed.

Adam D. (UK),
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120. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

The treatment exceeded my expectation. All staff are very friendly and professional and make you feel at ease. I would not doubt to recommend Dr. Dimitrov and staff to others.

Roger S. (Belgium),
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Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


121. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2st visit)

I found the treatment in Smile clinic very professional. The team was excellent throughout my treatment. Dr. Dimitrov was very attentive and caring throughout my treatment and whole experience was well the very little discomfort.

Sata C. (UK),
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122. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Nervous on first day, but not as bad as anticipated. Treatment was quick and the whole team were brilliant. Very thorough and happy with all treatment given.

David G. (England),
Was this review helpful to you?  7  0 

123. Full Upper Jaw Restoration with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Treatment was very professional. No pain as I was told. Fantastic people, made to feel at home. Would recommend them to friends and family without question. Thank you them all. Cheers.

Paul C. (England),
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124. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2st visit)

Final visit. No pain or discomfort as all the difficult work is done at the previous visit. All the team are very friendly and helpful as always.

Robert D. (UK),
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125. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Smooth & painless experience. Very happy with the end result.

Gary D. (England),
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Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


126. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Fine. The team were excellent even though I was not a good patient. Thank you all.

Lorraine S. (UK),
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127. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2st visit)

Great very helpful. Very satisfied with the outcome.

Arthur H. (Australia),
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128. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Excellent treatment from start to finish - very happy.

Amanda H. (England),
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129. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Smile dental services are very professional and caring. I am very happy with the end product. Can't thank them enough.

Gary L. (S-Wales, UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  7  0 

130. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Everything went well, the only thing to criticize is m anesthetic finished too quickly. I would prefer a bit more information before hand about the look of the temporary teeth. Overall I'm very happy.

Andrew F. (UK),
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Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


131. Full mouth restoration including basal implants, crowns & bridges

My treatment went as described on the website. I feel very lucky to have found this dentist and this treatment. I was listened to at all times and I felt very well cared for.

I will not hesitate to return in the future and I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Dimitrov and his dental practice.

Eleni R.(UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  7  1 

132. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Dr. Dimitrov, my treatment was great. I wish to thank you and all your staff for the excellent treatment I received, from everyone. You and your staff were very friendly and caring, I would recommend your clinic.

Many thanks to you all.

Wilfred M. (England),
Was this review helpful to you?  7  1 

133. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

Excellent & painless. I had full mouth treatment and this has been my 2nd visit. While it is not without discomfort, it is without pain. Staff have made my visit very manageable over the 2 weeks. Having a genuine interest in my requirements, my wishes + seem to have pride + satisfaction in the way they do.

In my case Nevena, was able to find me a local gym. I could spend part of my days working out. My permanent bridge - 100% satisfied!

(NOTE FROM THE CLINIC: working out in the gym is usually possible but not during the 1st visit, where the surgery takes place!)

Balbir K. (Scotland),
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134. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

I was very nervous on first day but Dr. Dimitrov and his team were amazing I am very satisfied with the service and the treatment. "What an amazing team" with fantastic results "can't wait for second fix". Thank you so much to you all including Dr. Dimitrov. Great people.

Darryl C. (UK, age 49),
Was this review helpful to you?  5  0 

135. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

My treatment went extremely well. I thought I would have been in a lot of pain, but I wasn't . It was manageble. My new teeth look and feel amazing. I'm over the moon with how they have turned out. Thanks to the staff at Smile Dental for putting the smile back on my face. It means so much to me. Thank you guys. I can't thank you enough.

John B. (age 39, England) ,
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Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


136. Full mouth restoration including basal implants, crowns & bridges

Treatment went very well.
Painful as expected
Pleased with final results.

John A. (UK),
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137. Full mouth restoration including implants, crowns & bridges

Very Proffessional. I was very nervous but all the staff put me at ease and explained all the treatment. I am very pleased with the results.

Sue M. (UK),
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138. Sector Restoration with implants and bridge

I just wanted to thank you all for the brilliant service i received during my appointments with you last week. I am delighted with the results and look forward to November when i shall return for further treatment.

A. Rolfe. (UK),
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139. Full mouth restoration including implants, crowns & bridges

The treatment was better than I expected. I had serios infection and the doctor removed it. All the staff were wonderful and very encouraging. I would recommend surgery to anyone. Great price!

Lorraine M. (UK),
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140. Full mouth restoration including implants, crowns & bridges

The treatment was absolutely 5 star, very happy with my new smile. Thank you the full team Dr. Dimitrov, Lachezar, Lidia, Svetla

Debra T. (UK & Spain),
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Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


141. Full mouth restoration including implants, crowns & bridges

Very pleased with all aspects of my treatment. Friendly, professional and great value. I was a very nervous patient and Dr. Dimitrov and his staff really put me at ease and cured me of my long-standing fear of the dentist. Couldn't recommend them highly enough.

Robbie (Dublin),
Was this review helpful to you?  4  0 


I have been treated by Dr. Dimitrov since 2002. I am a very nervous patient, but he has always been polite and considerate. He speaks excellent English due to his time working and studying in the USA. I have a complete set of implants in my upper jaw. The sockets have been set to allow for bone growth. The abutments and crowns will be fitted in six months.

Peter (UK),
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The dentist was really great. I would recommend them to anybody.

Albena Melin (Sweeden),
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144. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges, crowns and implants

On my first day I got 14 extractions done and the implant put in. It was pretty painful but with lots of anaesthesia and pain killers I was fine. Second day I got to see my teeth and check the bite. They looked so amazing.

Thank to Dr. Dimitrov and his team so much for giving me back my smile

Justing K. (Ireland),
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145. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges, crowns and implants (1st visit)

Every thing went positive and most importantly its painless and that was a relief for me.

Labib M.,
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Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


146. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Everything went perfect. Doctors and nurses were very good and helpful.

David K. (Ireland, age 33),
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147. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Very Well!!

Emma C (England),
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148. Upper Jaw Restoration with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Treatment went very well from start to finish very pleased with new teeth.

Gary L. (England),
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149. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Well, pointless. I’m very surprised how all work was quick done.

Rafal U. (UK),
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150. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

Wonderful - the dental nurse was fantastic. The teeth are amazing and the dentist was worth the plane ticket anyway ... gorgeous like my new teeth :)))

Emma C. (UK),
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Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


151. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Treatment went fine, some temporary pain. Will be happy to return for second procedure.

Eric R. (Ireland),
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152. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)


Michael H. (UK),
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153. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Great treatment was fantastic. Staff perfect!

Anqelique T. (UK),
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154. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

I was very nervous when I arrived. Treatment and all staff were excellent. More or less 100% pain free.

Mark C. (England),
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155. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

I was very happy with my treatment, no pain and the staff was wonderful first class!

Seymor W. (England),
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Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


156. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Very well. No problems. The team was all friendly no pain at all.

Elaine J. (England),
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157. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Pleasant professional service. Excellent. Thank you.

Anthony Z. (UK),
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158. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2st visit)

Very happy with my new bridges and procelain teeth. All the staff at "Smile" have been very professional in their work.

Bryan A. (UK),
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159. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Everything went very well, fast and with very little discomfort. Wonderful staff, thank you.

Peter D. (USA, age 59),
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160. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

My treatment was fantastic. The team where all friendly ad I would recommend them to everyone.

Trevor H. (England, age 68),
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Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


161. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

1st visit. Excellent treatment with no pain. Temporary teeth were usable throughout and comfortable if a little large.
2nd visit. On the whole it was painless except two short painful minutes. Very pleased with the final product. Teeth suit me very well. They make a difficult process as comfortable as possible.

Hazel M. (England, age: 80),
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162. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Initially a lot of aprehension, the driver Grimm who met me at the airport was exceptional in his own way. My aprehension was soon put at rest as my implants were installed almost painlessly. Communications between staff at Smile Dental Services and me were seamless, the staff were supportive in monitoring my progress on a daily basis, and made me feel at ease throughout the process, well done Smile Dental Services!

Mark N. (England, age: 56),
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163. Full mouth restoration (Smile Make Over) - 1st visit

The treatment went well and smoother than expected. The assembly of the implants were very quick which was good as I had no time to be scared. Until now I am happy with the quality!

Uwe S. (Germany, age 52),
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164. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Excellent service and dental care from a friendly, caring and competent staff. So far the results and recovery are great and beyond expectations.

Warm thanks to all staff and especially to Dr. Dimitrov and Dr. Markov

Ekaterina P. (Canada, age 49),
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165. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

The first thing I like is the prompt and candid communication. All my questions are answered usually in the same day. And the answers about all alternatives pros and cons are provided in an open way instead of over-promised advertisement of smile's way. This is one of the major reason I chose Smile among my final candidates of dental services.

Smile's arrangement of transportation is very convenient.

I arrived on Sunday and have my extraction and implantation for both jaws done on Monday in about 3 hours. All the doctors and staff are very friendly. I don't feel much pain at all. Considering the large number of extractions I had, I didn't have much bleeding issue and mu gum recovers quite well in 48-72h. On Thursday I had my temporary bridge. Dr. Dimitrov listened my questions and adjust the bridge couple ofr time and I think it fits well now. And I'm able to have regular launch and dinner on Thursday.

Overall I recommend Dr. Dimitrov and the relaxing Sofia, Bulgaria highly and without any reservation.

Ben L. (USA, age 51),
Was this review helpful to you?  7  4 

Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


166. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

I was very pleased with the treatment and all the explanations given. It was the second stage when my temporary bridges were replaced with the permanent ones. Would recommend this clinic to anyone. Thank you!

Ruslan M. (age: 42, UK),
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167. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Treatment- world class excellence
Doctor- never met any other person with such positivity
Staff- welcoming and pleasure to be around
Feeling - feel like being at home/family
Communication/information- excellent information

Dr. Francis N. (age 63, UK/Jamaica),
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168. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

When I arrived at the surgery, I was very nervous but was soon put at ease by the warm welcome and friendliness of Dr. Dimitrov and all his staff. The procedure fairly painless and everyone was attentive throughout the week. The knowledge and experience of Dr. Dimitrov is second to none and no words can express how amazing I feel now the procedure is complete. I cannot thank you enough for giving me youthful smile and a new confidence to face the world.

Jacqueline J. ( age 65, UK) ,
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169. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

I have found Smile Dental Team fantastic. From beginning to the end they taked me through every stage of treatment even took into account the fact I would be very nervous. Professionnal but also very friendly. Went out there way to help even finding a doctor for my daughter who was not having treatmentt but developped an ear infection out here. And last, but not least gave me a beautiful smile.

Susan C. (age 55 , England) ,
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170. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

My treatment went extremely well. I'm very happy with the results. It was efficient. I am so amazed at what a simple process it was. Second visit virtually pain free. First visit there was more discomfort, but was to be expected as I had quite a few extractions. So happy to be at the end of this transformational process. I wish I'd done this earlier!

Yrsa D. (age 30 , USA/UK),
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Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


171. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

The first implant upper left failed but was corrected on the second visit. The temporary bridge showed a gap on the smile but corrected in the second visit. Overall the final porcelain prostetics look really good and that's all that matters. For what seemed impossible, Smile Dental made possible.

Adonis V. (age 43; USA) ,
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172. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

From before I arrived I was in fear of any dental treatment. However I was very pleased with everything I have received here. All staff have been very friendly and caring.

John N. (age 60, UK),
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173. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

The treatment went brilliantly well with painless extraction and implants fitted with no pain. The service from beginning to the end fantastic. Thank you so much.

Andrew C . (age 53, UK) ,
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174. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

In brief I was apprehensive of the final treatment. I can honestly say that my fears were unfounded from beginning to end. The whole process was performed professionally with great care and consideration. Full praise to all the staff who I have become to admire. I now have a smile to die for! Well done! Enjoyed my visit immensley.

Michael W. (age 64, England),
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175. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

On my second visit it was better than my first visit, the staff were very friendly, time spent in chair minimal and almost painless, I was very happy with my first visit but the outcome on my second was more than I had hope for, it was a fantastic full mouth restoration. Completely happy and was well supported by sfaff.

Mark N. (age 59, England),
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Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


176. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Excellent service from start to finsh, staff very comforting and understanding. Treatment was painful after removal, but so much better now.

Gavin W. (age 49, UK) ,
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177. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

The extraction/implant session went a lot quicker and was a lot less stressful than I had imagined it would be. Also the bridge fitting and fixing was smooth + pain free.

Some pain in bottom jaw after chewing food for first time. This was fixed and next time after eating breakfast, no pain.

Tony W. (Wales, age: 68),
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178. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

Very satisfied with everything. The permanent teeth are fantastic.

Gudjon S. (Iceland, age 66),
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179. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

From start to finish 100% no pain. Cannot Improve perfection.

Elaine J. (England, age 63),
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180. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

My treatment went very well. The small amount of discomfort was worth it because of the excellent result. All of the team did a very good job. Thank you so much! Will.

William T. (age: 62, England),
Was this review helpful to you?  2  0 

Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


181. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Very happy with all aspects of my treatment.

Steven S. (age: 57, England),
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182. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Excellent! I really can’t find words to express my profound gratitude to Dr. Dimitrov & Dr. Marcov and the whole team. My deepest thanks to all the crew of Smile clinic for making me feel years younger. Five star service.

Vincent C. (age: 59, Malta),
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183. Full upper jaw restoration + 1 lower tooth implant

The atmosphere was very good. The initial welcome was friendly. The treatment was quick and uncomplicated. Music to help me relax and pain relief made the experience very acceptable. The accommodation was more than acceptable. Bojidar had a good sense of humor and the nurses were all beautiful :)

Chris F. (age: 49, England),
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184. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

The team is very professional, attentive, reassuring and made this a painless experience. The difference between the temporaries and the permanent is dramatic; they feel like my own teeth and as they have always been there. I highly recommend SDS!

Roger S. (age: 33, UAE),
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185. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

Everything from start to finish was excellent. Always informed at all times what was happening. Everyone is caring and very professional and I would not hesitate to recommend.

Lynn C. (age: 58, Scotland, UK),
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Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


186. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Friendly and competent staff, only moderate pain. Teeth look great but feel very thick and dull. I look forward to receiving my final permanent teeth in 6 months.

Nicholas G. (age: 39, UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  2  0 

187. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

I had very little discomfort, I did not even need the pain medication, everything healed very quickly without any complication. I am very satisfied with the treatment, the Doctor and all the staff. Very professional. Thanks to everyone! Hans

Hans N. (age: 73, USA),
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188. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

It was a big rollercoaster. But I’d really like to thank Dr. Markov, Latchezar and the assistants for sticking with me throughout. You’ve been stellar, despite some minor setbacks involving my health, and I will be forever grateful for the kind words and actions that gave me comfort in time of need. See you all next year for the permanent bridges! PS: Implants were not painful at all! Thanks for giving me my smile back!

Fleur M. (age: 30, Belgium),
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189. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Not quite true about painless. Can be a lot better.

Bob S. (age: 68, Wales),
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190. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

My treatment was excellent. Dr. Dimitrov was very calming, kind and very patient as I was very nervous. Svetla, Zori and Lidia were very gentle and smiled. Their kind smile calmed me down. I am also very grateful to Dr. Dimitrov for calmly talking through everything. Mr. Plamen, the dental technician, knows his job and adjusted the upper jaw the same day. I’m very happy with my new teeth and I’m grateful to Dr. Dimitrov and all his kind professional stuff. I have recommended Smile Dental to my sisters. Worth the pain. Thank you!

Josephine L. (age: 61, London/England),
Was this review helpful to you?  3  1 

Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


191. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

The treatment went very well. All work was done with care and professionalism. I've never had such great teeth and smile. Thank you, Smile Dental Services team and Dr. Dimitrov especially.

Ekaterina P. (age 50, Canada),
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192. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

The treatment went well, no problems, sore gums, not as much pain as expected, reassured throughout the treatment. Everything was explained very carefully.

Jane S. (age 31, UK),
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193. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

All went very well. Excellent team work and extremely very friendly and attentive.

Allen W. (age 71, UK),
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194. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

Dr. Dimitrov was great along with his techs. The treatment went very well in about 2 hours.

Annette M. (age 60, USA),
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195. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

I was welcomed and put at ease by everyone including Dr. Dimitrov and I feel I was very looked after. I had problems with gum disease and bone infection, but all this was dealt efficiently. I do not have any after treatment pain and I am very happy with the result.

Terry L. (age 64, UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  2  0 

Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


196. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

From the beginning at home in England to the first day at Smile Dental everything was explained and what will happen; very happy with the result and I am looking forward to coming back to get my final fit.

Dean (age 51,UK),
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197. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

Very well, was kept informed at all times as to how the treatment was going and what to expect. Although there was some discomfort, there was no real pain. Everybody very friendly and helpfull.

Stephen F. (age 64, England) ,
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198. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Everything went according to plan, from pick-up at the airport. Staying at Ogosta Apartments only 5 min. walk away was very convenient. Day 1: extractions and implants, day 2: trial fit of temp denture, day 3: final fit! Check-ups every day. It is painful at times as should be expected but painkillers are issued for this.

Brian F. (age 66, England),
Was this review helpful to you?  2  0 

199. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Treatment was excellent from start to finsh. Staff very friendly. Delighted with the results.

Andrea T. (age 55, England),
Was this review helpful to you?  2  0 

200. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

The treatment went really well, it's a bit strange at first, but slowly I got used to it. I can't thank enough Dr. Dimitrov and all his team.

Marcello A. (age 43, UK/Brazil) ,
Was this review helpful to you?  2  0 

Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


201. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

I was very happy with the treatment. Was very skeptical about it being virtually painless. But it was just that!

Everybody at the practice was very friendly and I would highly recommend it even to the most nervous patient as I was.

Now I can't wait for my 2nd visit to receive my permanent teeth. Can't stop smiling.

Caryl M. (Essex, UK; age: 41),
Was this review helpful to you?  5  4 

202. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Everyone at the clinic made me felt at ease. The treatment lasted over three hours. At times was a little uncomfortable as expected, but painless. Aftercare was excellent. I felt confident that I could contact the clinic at anytime. My well being was priority to the clinic. I would have no hesitation in recommending Smile Dental Services to others.

Norman C. (Scotland),
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203. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

From start to finish professional caring treatment. Wonderful results. Everyone at Smile Dental are very special people. I am very happy with every aspect of the treatment and love the results. Very, very pleased.

Michael B. (England),
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204. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) (1st visit)

Perfect in my opinion!

Martynas L. (Lithuania-Denmark, age: 26),
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205. Dental Treatment

Went well, had to skip some procedures due to pregnancy.

Indiana R. (Iceland, age 25),
Was this review helpful to you?  3  2 

Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


206. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

My treatment was excellent and all the team looked after. Very well I would recommend Smile to anyone. Thank you all very much.

James M. (England, age 65),
Was this review helpful to you?  3  2 

207. Extraction and bridge

Excellent job! Highly commendable. Dr. Dimitrov and Dr. Markov are my time heroes. They made me feel more confident. Thank you to all the staff and the doctors! Love always, Maria Xxx

Maria C. (age: 57, Malta),
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208. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Everything went on as planned, extractions and implants set, after recovery time provisory bridge put in place. Now waiting for the second visit in 2018 for the final bridge.

Jessica R. (age: 53, UK),
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209. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants

It went very well. Not in too much discomfort.

Paul N. (age: 57, England),
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210. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Very well, straight forward. All staff very helpful.

Stephen M. (age: 51, Ireland),
Was this review helpful to you?  1  0 

Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


211. Upper Jaw Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

All well

Nicola P. (age: 47, UK),
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212. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

It was amazing, I really cannot fault anything! The staff are amazing and deserve a pay rise.

Stuart M. (age: 41, England),
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213. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Very well. I am very happy with the results.

Chris W. (age 52, UK),
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214. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

All went well, the staff and Dr. Dimitrov were excellent, everything done exactly as planned, would recommend to anyone wanting a first class treatment.

Michael W. (age 63, UK),
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215. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

All went as well as could be expected. It was a pleasure to see such pleasant dental staff. Excellent all round treatment.

Ron D. (age 77, UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  1  0 

Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


216. Single Jaw Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

Very well. No complains. Thank you!

Pavel P. (age 51, Canada),
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217. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Very well.

Andrew B. (age 67, UK),
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218. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Went very well. Excellent staff and service. Would recommend highly.

John M. (age 75),
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219. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

Everything went well and pleased with the results.

Malcolm (age 60, UK),
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220. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

My treatment was excellent. Dr. Dimitrov was very calming, kind and very patient, as I was very nervous. Svetla, Zory and Lidia were very gentle and smiled. Their kind smile calmed me down. I am also very gratefull to Dr. Dimitrov for calmely talking me through everything first. Mr. Plamen, the dental technician knows his job and adjusted the upper the same day. I am very happy with my lovely new teeth and I am gratefull to Dr. Dimitrov and all his kind professional staff. Have recommended Smile to my sisters. Worth the pain. Thank you.

Josephine L. (age 61, UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  1  0 

Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


221. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Very well. Pleased with the result overall.

Valerie W. (age 61, UK),
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222. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

Very happy with this visit as treatment was not so intensive as the first visit. All the staff are very helpful, patient and understanding. I am very pleased with the result.

Rosemarie L. (age 66, UK/Spain),
Was this review helpful to you?  1  1 

223. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)

All the treatment went without pain. All the crew was very professional. Everything was done exactly how it was described on the website.

Ravio S. (age 37, Latvia),
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224. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Much pain and discomfort after the surgery, but the result worth the pain. Day after day I feel better, healthier, more confident. Most sincere thanks that I can smile and laugh from the heart. Keep being so responsive and cordial!

Пламен Н. (32 г. , България),
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225. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

The treatment went very well organized, smoothly and exceeded my expectations. The team is experienced and friendly. The communication and the customer service is on a very high level. Excellent professionalism. Thank you!

Ilonka E.(age 46, Bulgaria/Canada),
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Get a Full Set of New Teeth in a Single Visit
Full mouth restoration with basal implants in Bulgaria. Experienced medical staff & dental technicians, conscious IV sedation administered by qualified anesthetist, more...


226. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

We are very pleased - the treatment was quick, easy and quality thanks to Dr. Dimitrov's great team. A few words, but from the heart.

Светла и Владимир М. ( България),
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227. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (voice: BG)

A first-person account of patients underwent a full restoration procedure with basal implants (protocol with immediate loading within 3 days). The video was made as a gratitude to the clinic, without directing and prior preparation. It was taken one year after the first stage of treatment, after placement of the permanent bridges.

сем. Матееви,
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228. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (1st visit)

Treatment went well, explained process and executed immediately. Bottom temp bridges not a good fit, but I can live with them for 6 months. Look forward to returning to get better fitting permenent teeth soon. After surgery medication and paperwork should be explained to patient as groggy initialy.

Ailish M. (age 53, UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  1  3 

229. Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover) with bridges and implants (2nd visit)


Stephen H. (age: 59, UK),
Was this review helpful to you?  1  6 

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